June 4, 2018

Boys and The Brave Frog: Moral Story For Kids

boys_and_the_brave_frog_storyOnce there lived some boys in a small village. A pond situated end of the village. One day they were playing at the edge of a pond in which lived a family of frogs. The boys amused themselves by throwing stones into the pond so as to make them skip on top of the water. They were very happy to doing these types of naughtiness.

The stones were flying fast and the boys were enjoying themselves very much; but the poor water creatures in the pond were trembling with fear. Some of them already died with the stone.

At last one of the frogs, the youngest and bravest, put his head out of the water, and said, “Oh my dear friends please stop your ruthless play! Though it may be fun for you, it means death to us!”

Moral: Always think whether your fun is the cause of another’s unhappiness. If yes then stop this fun.

June 3, 2018

The Crow and The Swan - Short Story for Kids

crow_the_swan_storyOnce upon a time there lived a crow in a dense forest. You know crow is black as coal. There was a swan lived nearby a stream. The crow was envious of the swan, because her feathers were as white as the purest snow. 

Once the foolish bird crow got the idea that if he lived like the swan, swimming and diving all day long and eating the weeds and plants that grow in the water, his feathers would turn white. It will looks like the swan.

So he left his home in the woods and fields and flew down to live on the lakes and in the marshes. But though he washed and washed all day long, almost drowning himself at it, his feathers remained as black as ever. And as the water weeds he ate did not agree with him, he got thinner and thinner. At last he died.

Fighting bulls and frog : Short Story For Children

Once upon a time there lived two bulls in a small village. They were good friends and always going to graze nearby field. There was a big pond along with the field. They were always drinking water from the nearby pond. One day they both were fighting furiously in a field, at one side of which was a marsh. There living a frog family in the marsh. The mother frog was trembled as she watched the fierce battle.

Why are you afraid my mother? What happened to you? Is there any danger?  “Do you not see,” replied the mother frog, “that the Bull who is beaten, will be driven away from the good forage up there to the reeds of this marsh, and we shall all be trampled into the mud?”

It turned out as the frog had said. The fighting bulls were rushed towards the marsh, where his great hoofs crushed the mother frogs and her child to death.

Moral: When the great fall out, the weak always suffer for it.

June 2, 2018

The Fox and The Crow Story with Moral

the_fox_and_the_crowOnce there was a crow found a piece of meat from a village. It flies high above and went to the forest. It was sitting on one of the branches of the tree. A fox was searching food in the forest. He roamed here and there in search of food but could not find anything to eat.

To take rest it sat under a tree. When the fox looked up, he saw, to his great joy, a crow sitting on one of the branches of that tree. He was holding a piece of meat in his beak. On seeing this, his mouth began to water and started thinking about the piece of meat. At last he got a plan to get the piece of meat from the crow.

He got up and said to crow, "Good morning. I am glad to meet you. How handsome you look! What a nice beak you have! But if you could sing so sweet as you are beautiful, you could win for yourself the title of the 'Queen of the birds'."

The foolish crow was felt very happy this talks from the fox. He became excited and at once opened his beak. As he gave out a loud caw in his cracked voice, the piece of meat fell down on the ground.
The fox picked it up and ate it up at once. The poor crow had to repent on his foolishness.

Moral: Do not give way to flattery.

The Lion and slave Story with Moral

Once there lived a rich man in a town. He had a slave. The man was very cruel to him every time. So the slave became sick of his cruel treatment. He decided to run away from his master. He got a chance and ran away to nearest forest. There was a cave and he hides himself in a cave. As he lay there and thinking his master. At that time he heard the groaning of the lion.

He was frightened. As the lion came near to the cave, he saw that he was limping. The lion approached the slave and held out his paw. The slave saw that his paw was swollen and a thorn was stuck in it. The slave drew out the thorn very gently. The lion was relieved of pain and went away. Afterwards they became friends.

Many days passed away. By chance the slave was arrested by his master's men. He was brought to his master who ordered his men to put him before a hungry lion. The day for punishment was fixed.

The people of the town were invited to see the wonderful fight between the lion and the slave. The lion was freed from the cage to pounce upon the slave when he recognized him. He now advanced slowly towards him and began to lick his hands out of love. It was the same lion, his friend. The slave too, patted him.

It was a wonderful sight for the people. The lion was given to him as a reward. The slave was set free.

Moral: Kindness is always rewarded.