October 9, 2018

The Little Mouse, The Cat & the Cock

The Little Mouse, The Cat & the Cock
Once upon a time there lived a little mouse with her mother. One day the little mouse asked her mother, “Mother let me go out from the hole and see the world”. The mother mouse said, “Okay child. But be careful because outer world is more dangerous than this hole”.

The little mouse came out of his hole and started walking. She saw a colorful cock. As she had never seen a cock before, she got frightened by the sharp beak, colorful feather, and the red crown of the cock. She ran away thinking, “What a horrible creature is this!”.

After some time she came across a pussy cat. “What a soft animal! She thought, so handsome fur! And striking eyes!” When she returned home she explained her day’s visit to her mother. The mother said, “the cock is really harmless. But the soft cat is our real enemy”.

Moral: Outward appearance are deceptive.

October 1, 2018

The Crane and The Greedy Wolf Story

wolf and crane-moral story
Once there lived a wolf in a forest. One day the wolf was lucky to get a fat lamb. It was too greedy. He was eating so hurriedly that a small piece of bone got stuck in his throat. He gurgled hard. He tried to swallow. He tried to spit it out. But, nothing worked out. The bone won’t move. He got afraid.

“If I can’t take the bone out, I can’t eat. I will die of hunger”, he thought sadly. Suddenly he remembered the crane who lived nearby lake. He thought, “The crane has a long neck. She can reach and take out the bone”. So off he went to the crane and said, “Please take out the bone from my neck. I will pay good”.

The crane took out the bone and asked for her fees. The wolf replied “Aren’t you happy that you put your head into my mouth and got it out safely? Forget the fees”.

Moral: Good for the evil minded are forgotten.

The Cock and The Fox Story

Once upon a time there lived a wise cock in a village with his master. He did his duties well. He crowed early in the morning, waking up the folks for their daily chores. One fine day, the cock was taking rest on a tree top. A wicked fox happened passed that way. The fox looked up and saw the handsome cock perched on the tree. The fox decided to eat the cock. So, he said in as sweet a voice as possible.

“Hello, dear cock! I bring you news from Heaven. There is a new order laid for us. From now on, all birds and animals shall become friends and live together in peace”. The cock was astonished. He asked “Is it true?”.

The fox replied, “Yes, of course. If you would like to test it, why not come down?”. Now, the cock began to think wise. He said, “Won’t you wait a minute. A few of our friends are coming along”.
It was the fox’s turn to be surprised, “Friends! Who are coming? What do you mean?. The cock answered “I can see some dogs coming on this way. Let us wait for them”.

On hearing the words ‘dogs’ the fox got annoyed. He started to run away. The cock asked “Why are you running? What happened to our friendship?”. The only reply was “Forget it”.

Moral: Wise men can unveil wickedness.