May 21, 2018

Cap Seller and Monkeys Story with Moral : Short Moral Stories for Kids

Cap Seller and Monkeys Story with MoralOnce upon a time there lived a cap seller in a small village. Once the cap seller was traveling by walk throughout the forest to visit another village to sale his caps. It was a very hot summer day and so he chose to lay down under a tree and take sleep for sometime till the sun sets down. As he was extremely tired he slept quickly.

When he was sleeping several monkeys came down the tree and pulled the cap seller’s bag. They opened the bag and found the colourful caps inside. The monkeys picked up the caps and climbed back up the trees. The cap seller woke up after sometime and was surprised to find his opened bag and the monkeys all using his caps.

The cap seller became very upset, he shouted at the monkeys in the tree. The monkeys yelled back at him. This made the cap seller much more irritated. He picked up few stones from the ground and threw them at the monkeys. This time the monkeys threw the fruits they had in their hands at the cap seller.

The cap seller was shocked at this actions of the monkeys. He thought for a while. This time, he taken off off the cap, he was wearing and threw it on the ground. The monkeys that were seeing him also did exactly the same. They threw all the caps on the ground. The clever cap seller collected all the caps, filled them back in his travelling bag and moved away from that location.

Moral: Wit works where strength fails.

May 20, 2018

Baby Camel and His Mother : Best Moral Story for Kids

Once upon a time there lived a camel in a zoo with her baby. One day the baby camel and her mother were talking. The baby camel asked, “Mother, why do we have humps?” The mother replied, “Our humps are for storing water so that we can survive in the desert”.

Why do we have rounded feet mother?  The mother replied, because they are meant to help us walk comfortably in the desert. These legs help us move around in the sand. 

Mother why are our eyelashes so long? “To protect our eyes from the desert dust and sand. They are the protective covers for the eyes”, replied the mother camel.

The baby camel thought for a while and said, “So we have humps to store water for desert journeys, rounded feet to keep us comfortable when we walk in the desert sand, and long eyelashes to protect us from sand and dust during a desert storm. Then what are we doing in a zoo?”

The mother was speechless. 

Moral: Your strengths, skills, and knowledge are useless if you are not in the right place.

Baby Crab and His Mother Short Story

Once there was a mother crab lived in a river with her baby crab. One day the mother crab and her baby were walking together. The baby crab was walking a little ahead of the mother. After a while, the mother crab said, “Oh my baby why do you bend towards one side when you walk?”
Baby Crab and His Mother Short Story

The baby crab turned back and looked at its mother and asked, “Why Mother, what is wrong with the way I walk?” The mother crab replied, It does not look good to me. You look much better when you walk straight and forward. The young crab said, This might be quite true, mother. But I do not know how to walk straight. So, if you will show me how to walk straight, I will promise to do the same way.

His mother agreed and said, look carefully now. When the mother tried to walk straight, it was impossible for her also to walk that way.

She kept trying but she could not walk straight. She said to her son, “I am sorry for scolding you. I myself cannot walk in a straight manner. How can I ask you to do so?” She then told her son, “You continue to walk the way you do!”

Moral: Example is more powerful than speech.

May 18, 2018

Ant and The Grasshopper : Moral Stories For Children

There was a big grass field in end of a small village. In that field there lived an ant and a grasshopper. They were very good friends. It was summer time. The grasshopper was having a lot of fun playing, singing, and dancing in the sunlight. On the other hand, the ant was so hard working, looking for food all day long and stores them in its home.

The grasshopper was watching that so he said, “Hey,’ Ant! Why don’t you come and play with me?” The ant replied, “I am storing food for the winter when there won’t be anything to eat! So I cannot come.” The grasshopper on laughed at the ant and said, “Why are you worrying now? 

There is plenty of food!” and continued to play, while the ant worked hard to collect and store food for winter. When winter came, the grasshopper did not find a single grain of food to eat.  It began to starve and feel very weak. While it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew that it is best to prepare for days of need.

Moral: Idleness is a curse.

Wolf and The Crane Short Story for Kids

Once there was a wolf lived happily in a forest. One day the wolf got a goat skin and it started eating it. It had been eating too greedily, and a bone had stuck crosswise in his throat. He could get it neither up nor down, and of course, he could not eat a thing. Naturally, that was an awful state of affairs for a greedy Wolf.

So away he hurried to the Crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily be able to reach the bone and pull it out. “I will reward you very handsomely”, said the Wolf, “if you pull that bone out for me”.

The Crane, as you can imagine, was very uneasy about putting her head in Wolf’s throat. But she was grasping in nature, so she did what the Wolf asked her to do. When the Wolf felt that the bone was gone, he started to walk away.

“But what about my reward!” called the Crane anxiously.

“What!” snarled the Wolf, whirling around. “Haven’t you got it? Isn’t it enough that I let you take your head out of my mouth without snapping it off?”

Moral: Expect no reward for serving the one who has no honor.

Fox and The Grapes Story with Moral

Once there was a fox lived in a dense forest. It feels very hungry as he could not get anything to eat for a long time. It was a hot summer day and he strolled in search of food.
fox and grapes story with moral

He wondered all along the jungle but his efforts were in vain. There was a garden nearby the forest. She went there in search of food. He didn't get anything from there. 

When he was about to return his place he saw bunches of ripe grapes hanging from a vine. He wanted to eat them. So he jumped again and again, to reach them, but in vain. The grapes were hanging too high for him to get at them.

At last he gave up the attempt and went away saying, "the grapes are sour. If I eat them, they can harm me."

Moral: Grapes are sour.

Bear and The Crabs Moral Story

Once upon a time there lived a bear in the dense forest. He was huge and would eat a lot of food at once. However he was very lazy. So, he enjoyed eating the remains of the prey left by the bigger animals. It was very lazy and never wanted to hunt any animals.

One day the lazy bear felt very hungry. He could not find any food around his den. The poor Bear waited and waited. Then he started walking in search of food. He thought to himself, ‘Oh! How I would love to eat some bamboo or fruits! But I would be the happiest if I found a beehive with honey!’

Now, at the end of the forest, there was a blue sea shore. The bear soon reached the shore. He lowered his furry legs into the cold water and waited for some fish and other sea animals. Some crabs that lived in the sea caught the bear’s fur, thinking it was their prey. The bear at once pulled his legs up and shook off the crabs on the rock. Then he enjoyed the food he had cleverly collected his foods all over his legs.

Moral: Even the lazy think of good ideas, when they are needy.

May 16, 2018

Cat and The Rooster : Moral Stories For Kids

Wolf And The Ass Moral Stories For Kids

Crab and His Mother

May 12, 2018

Wolf and An Ass Moral Story for Kids

Elephant and The Little Mouse: Inspirational Stories for Kids

Once upon a time there was a land of mice who feared the elephants. Whenever the elephants walked through the mice’s land with their enormous feet many mice were harmed. One day, the mouse king went to the King of the Elephants and said, "If you spare our lives, we will help you in a time of need." The elephant king agreed. He ordered all other elephants to be careful while walking on the road and not to kill any mice in future. 

From that day forth the elephants paid attention and lifted their huge legs carefully, never harming their tiny friends. One day, elephant hunters came to the forest. They were seeking many elephants for the human king’s soldiers to ride into battle. Day by day more and more elephants were caught in great rope net traps.

The elephant king was very sad. Then, he remembered the promise of the mice and sent for his little son to the mouse king. The king of the mice arrived and listened to the elephant request.

Then the mouse king called all the mice together. Thousands and thousands of mice gathered to discuss how they might help the elephants. The mice formed into little groups. Each group gnawed the ropes of a single trap with their sharp teeth. By morning, all the elephants were freed from net. Seeing this the hunter left the forest.

The elephant king was grateful. From that day onward the elephants and the mice became good friends.

Bull and The Little Mouse

Once upon a time there lived a bull in a village. It was a hot day. The bull was sound asleep under a shady tree. The bull was snoring loudly. This loud noise evoked the curiosity of a small mouse passing that away.

The mouse climbed up to the nose of the bull. As the bull snored, the mouse bit his nose madly for fun’s snake. But the bull woke up and snorted “Who bit me and woke me up?” The little mouse replied “Sorry Mr.Bull! I bit you playfully, but I did not expect to wake you up”.

The bull got wild. He started to chase the small mouse. The mouse began to run for his life. At last he found a small hole in a stone wall. He ran into the hole and waited to see what the bull is going to do.

The bull came dashing up to the wall. He was not able to catch the mouse. He roared “You silly creature! I’II teach you a lesson” and dashed against the wall. The wall was too strong for the bull.

The bull heard the mouse saying “Why are you breaking your heard for so small a thing?” He left the place immediately.

MORAL: Mighty is not always right. Give respect to the bigger one.