May 12, 2018

Elephant and The Little Mouse: Inspirational Stories for Kids

Once upon a time there was a land of mice who feared the elephants. Whenever the elephants walked through the mice’s land with their enormous feet many mice were harmed. One day, the mouse king went to the King of the Elephants and said, "If you spare our lives, we will help you in a time of need." The elephant king agreed. He ordered all other elephants to be careful while walking on the road and not to kill any mice in future. 

From that day forth the elephants paid attention and lifted their huge legs carefully, never harming their tiny friends. One day, elephant hunters came to the forest. They were seeking many elephants for the human king’s soldiers to ride into battle. Day by day more and more elephants were caught in great rope net traps.

The elephant king was very sad. Then, he remembered the promise of the mice and sent for his little son to the mouse king. The king of the mice arrived and listened to the elephant request.

Then the mouse king called all the mice together. Thousands and thousands of mice gathered to discuss how they might help the elephants. The mice formed into little groups. Each group gnawed the ropes of a single trap with their sharp teeth. By morning, all the elephants were freed from net. Seeing this the hunter left the forest.

The elephant king was grateful. From that day onward the elephants and the mice became good friends.