September 22, 2018

The bird with two heads with moral

Strange bird
Once upon a time there lived a bird who had two heads. The bird lived on a tree by the side of the river of Ganga. He had two heads but one stomach. One day the bird was wandering for his food. After a long time he got a fruit to eat. It was very happy. 

The first mouth was about to eat the full fruit. The second mouth stopped the first mouth and demanded half of the fruit. “I will not give you anything," said the first mouth and ate all the prey. 

The other mouth got angry. In order to take revenge, it decided to do some thing. It searched and gulped the poison it found. “Though the mouths are two, the stomach is only one. The same stomach. is not it?" So the poison spread all over the body. The strange bird died. 

Moral: Sharing of a good thing with others is always good.

September 21, 2018

Two Best Friends : The Sand and The Stone story

Once there lived two friends in a village. One fine morning two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE."

They kept on walking until they found a stream, where they decided to take a bath. The one, who had been slapped, got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After the friend recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: "TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SAVED MY LIFE."
Two Best friends

The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied: "When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."

Moral: Learn to write your hurts in the sand and the carve your blessings in stone. 

The Greedy Lion Story with Moral

The Greedy LionThere was a lion lived in a dense forest. It was a hot summer day. The lion was feeling very hungry at morning. He came out of his den and searched here and there. He could find only a small hare. He caught the hare with some hesitation. “This hare cannot fill my stomach” thought the lion.

As the lion was about to kill the hare, a deer ran that way. The lion became greedy. He thought, “Instead of eating this small hare let me eat the big deer”. He let the hare go and went behind the deer. But, the deer had vanished into the forest. The lion now felt sorry for letting the hare off.

Moral: A bird in hand is worth tow in the bush. 

Clever rabbit and the lion

Clever rabbit and the lion
Once upon a time, in a jungle far away from the village, there lived a king lion. He used to kill as many as animals every day for his meal. The animals were worried and went to discuss this with the lion king. He agreed not to kill any other animal if one of them voluntarily comes to him everyday.

This went on for long. One day, it was a rabbit’s turn. As he was on his way, he sees an old well and hatches a plan to kill the lion. He goes to the lion and tells him that there is another lion who claims to be stronger than him.

The lion, then asks the rabbit to meet the said lion. The rabbit takes him to the well and points to it saying that was where the other lion lived. The lion jumps into the well, mistaking his own reflection for the other lion and dies.

Moral: Intelligence can save us from the worst situations.

Lion and The Frog best Moral Stories For Kids

Once upon a time there lived a lion in the big forest. He had a powerful voice and he roared to please himself and scare others. All the animals were scared of him. He also knew every corner of the forest and every animal and every sound in it.

Now, there was a pond in the middle of the forest. The Lion used to drink water and sleep there for sometime every day. One day, the Lion finished drinking water and lay down by the pond. As his eyes were closing, he heard a new sound. It was a hollow, croaky sound. He opened his eyes, but he didn’t see anyone! Then, he heard it a second, and a third time.

By now the Lion was scared and thought in fear, `What if it is a ghost?’After sometime, a frog crawled out of the pond and croaked. The Lion saw that he had been scared out of his wits by so small a creature! He grew angry with the Frog and tore it to pieces with his claws. The poor Frog never croaked again!

Moral : It is silly to fear anything without complete knowledge of it.

Cows and The Tiger: Best Moral Story for Children

cows and the tigerOnce upon a time there lived four cows in a small farm. They were good friends and did everything together. In the end of that village there was a big forest. They grazed together in the forest. They always stayed together while grazing in the forest, because of which no animals were able to kill them.

But one day, the friends fought each other for some reason. Now each of them went to graze in a different direction. That day a tiger came across that place and saw all of them separated.  The tiger decided that it was the perfect opportunity to kill all of them. The tiger hid in the bushes and surprised the cows and killed one by one. At last it kills every cows.

Moral: Unity is strength. Divided we fall.

The Cows and The Lion Story

Once upon a time there was a small village near a river. There was a jungle nearby the river too. The village cows used to go to the jungle in search of food.

In the forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was happening for quite some time. The cows were frightened.

One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, “Listen everybody, the lion wanted to eat us. Because we go into the jungle separately. From now onward we will all be together”.

From then on, all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion, all of them unitedly moo and chased him away.

Moral: Divided we fall, united we stand. 

The Fox and The Stork Story

Stork and the fox
Once there was a fox lived in a jungle. Once he met a stork in a seashore. They became friends. But the fox wanted to tease the stork. He invited the stork to dinner. The stork accepted. The fox prepared a soup and served the soup in a flat plate. He said, “Let’s start our dinner, and began lapping. He looked at the stork and asked, “Isn’t the soup delicious? You like it, don’t you?”

The stork could only smell the flavor. She was not able to drink the soup with her long beak from the flat plate. She understood that the fox was teasing her. She looked helplessly while the fox was just enjoying himself.

After they had finished, the stork invited the fox. The fox said, he would come”. So a few days later, the stork prepared soup and, now, she served in a long jug with a narrow mouth. 

Now, the fox could not drink from the jug. But the stork drank comfortability and said, “What a nice soup! I prepared this specially for you, Please don’t feel shy. Have as much as you want”.

The fox now felt he was paying for his mischief.

Moral: Tit for Tat.

Best Moral Story : A Poor Little Girl

Once upon a time there lived a rich family. They having no child of their own. They decided, to adopt a girl child. For this, she gave advertisements in various newspapers and televisions channels.  

Many poor women came to sell their daughters to this family. The rich lady gave some money to all girls and asked them to go to the market and buy their favorite things. 

On returning, all the girls showed the rich lady, the things they had bought. Most of them had bought ribbons, clothes and other things for themselves but one of them had bought a Srimad Bhagavat Gita book and a needle to stitch her clothes. 

The lady got impressed with the poor girl and adapted her saying that the girl really knew the essence of worship and hard work.

September 20, 2018

Honest Woodcutter and Goddess of Water

Honest Woodcutter and Water Goddess
Once there lived a poor woodcutter in a small village. There was a river end of the village. The woodcutter used to cut trees in woods and sale it in the nearby market. 

One day he was cutting wood on the bank of the river. His axe fell into the river. The river was deep. He could not take his axe out. He sat on the bank and began to weep. Sometimes later Mercury, the goddess of water appeared. She asked the reason of his weeping. 

The woodcutter told the whole story. Mercury dived into the water and brought the golden axe. The woodcutter refused to take it. Mercury again dived in to the water and brought the silver axe. The woodcutter did not take it either. Then she brought iron axe which the woodcutter lost in the river. The woodcutter took it gladly. Mercury was much pleased. She rewarded the woodcutter with the other golden and silver axes.

Moral of the story: Honesty is the best policy.

Who will bell the cat : Best Ever Moral stories for Kids

Cat killing the mouse.
Once upon a time there lived a large group of mice in a old house. The house was always full of food and the mice never had any problem. The owner of the house was aware of the problem. So, he brought a cute white cat.

Now the mice were not able to move about freely and even if they did, the cat always caught hold of them. Hence, they assembled to think of a plan. One smart mouse suggested tying a bell around the cat’s neck so they would know whenever the cat approaches them.

Now the question was “Who will tie the bell?” Nobody said a word. The solution was worthless. In the meantime the cat came and pounce one of them.

Moral: Making a plan is one thing and executing it is an entirely different thing.

September 18, 2018

The Pet Dog and The Donkey

The dog and the donkey
There lived a pet dog in a rich man's house. Once his son brought a donkey for his work. The dog guarded his house and the donkey carried loads for him.

It was a hot summer day. The dog was sleeping under the shady tree near to the house. There was some noise outside. The dog just lifted up his head and went back to sleep.

The donkey asked, “Why don’t you bark. It could be thieves”. The dog replied, “Mind your own business”. But the donkey would not listen. He wanted to save his master from thieves. He started to bray.

The master who was sound asleep got wild with the donkey and came running out with a stick and gave hard beatings to the donkey.

Moral: It is always better to mind your own business without interfering others work. 

Hunter and The Doves

Doves and Hunter StoryOnce there lived a hunter in a small village. One fine day, the hunter sets out to catch birds. He lays a net and spreads rice all over it. Shortly, a flock of pigeons comes by and start eating the rice and get caught in the net.

They start to lose hope. Just then their leader asks them to fly together up in the sky. They do as told and carry the net with themselves. The hunter runs after them but is not able to catch them. One of the old pigeon asked to their friends to fly to there friends little distance. 

The pigeons fly towards their friend mouse’s hole with the net. The mouse on seeing this cuts the net into pieces and frees the pigeon. They all thanks to the old pigeon and his friend rat.

Moral: Unity is strength. Anything is achievable if we work unitedly.

Unfaithful Friendship : Heart Touching Moral Story for Kids

There was a frog lived in a pond. A mouse who was living in a hole near the pond. Once the mouse came to the pond for search of food. Soon the mouse and frog became became friends. One day the frog invited to the mouse to his house. The mouse said I don't know how to swim. The frog said said to the mouse, “Let’s bind ourselves together with a rope so that we may not be separated. I will swim and take to to my home.” 

Oh! What a idea, replied the mouse, without any second thought. So, both the friends tied themselves together. Though on land it went quite well. Inside the pond the frog swam delightfully and dragging the mouse with him. Soon the mouse was drowned. He asked for help but his friend didn't listened to it. Sometimes later his dead body floated on the surface of the pond.

There was a kite roaming in the sky. It saw the dead mouse on the water. It swooped down to carry it off. But it was miserable that the frog as well up to be the kite’s meal.

Moral : Unwise start leads to miserable end. 

Story of a wolf in the sheep's skin

Once upon a time there lived a wolf in the countryside. Once he was feeling hungry went to search of food. On the way he found a sheepskin spread on the ground. He thought, “I wear this skin and get mixed up in a flock. The shepherd will not suspect me. At night, I will kill a sheep every night.

The wolf covered himself with the sheepskin and gets mixed up with a flock of sheep. As he had expected, the shepherd took him for a sheep and shut him also in the shed. The wolf was waiting for night.

The shepherd had a feast that night. He came to find a fat sheep. He saw the sheepskin covered wolf by chance. That night, the guests had the wolf meat.

Moral : Evil thoughts have evil ends. 

September 10, 2018

Dove and The Hunter Story with Moral for Kids

Once upon a time there lived a hunter in a village. He always hunts some birds and sale it nearby market for money. There was a dove lived with its family in a tree. An ant was his good friend. It lived under the tree.

One fine morning the hunter saw a dove sitting nearby the corn field. He set a net to trap it. But dove was not coming to the net. So the hunter throw the net over the dove and catch the dove. He was about to leave the place with the dove. 

There was an ant who was the dove's best friend. It saw his friend was in danger. The ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

Moral: Friend in need is a friend indeed

The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf

There was a village on the outskirts of  a forest. There lived a shepherd boy with his family. He used to take his herd of sheep across the fields to the lawns near the forest.

One day, he felt very boring. He wanted to have fun. So he cried aloud “Wolf, Wolf. The wolf is carrying away my lamb”. There were farmers working in  the nearby fields came running with sticks and asked, “where is the wolf?”. The boy laughed and replied “It was just a fun.” All the farmers went away to their works.

The boy played the trick for quite a number of times in the next few days. Some days later as the boy, perched up on a tree, was singing a song, there came an wolf. Now, the boy cried loudly “Wolf, Wolf. the wolf is carrying  a lamb away.” There was no one to come. The boy shouted “Help! Wolf! Help!” Still no one came to his help. The villagers thought that the boy was playing mischief again. The wolf carried a lamb away and some lambs also injured by the wolf.

Moral : A Liar's truth is seldom believed. 

September 9, 2018

Two Goats and A Narrow Bridge

Once upon a time there lived many goats in a small village. One day all the goats were went to jungle for grazing. Their was a narrow bridge to cross the stream and go to the other way for grazing. 

One day, two goats try to cross a that narrow bridge across the stream. The goats are at either end of the bridge, but neither is ready to make way for the other. 

They come to the center of the bridge and begin fighting about who should cross first. As they fight mindlessly. They both fell down to the stream and dies. 

Moral: It is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness.

The Queen Sheba and The Monkey

sheba and the monkey story
Once upon a time there lived a queen in the Jungle names Sheba. She was very fond of babies. Once, she announced, “I order all animals to come to my palace with their babies. The animal who has the most beautiful baby will be awarded a prize.” The minister of the Jungle howling entire jungle about this rewarding program. 

All animals came to Sheba’s palace with their babies. Sheba was inspecting all the animals. She came to a monkey and said “What an ugly baby! You will not get any prize."

The baby monkey started to cry. The monkey said. “What a foolish queen she is! I don't wants her prize anymore! You are my jewel, my dear child. You are more precious than anything under the sky”.

Moral : Mother's love has no equals. No one can replace the mother's love.

September 8, 2018

The Fox and Crow Story

Once there was a small girl was eating a piece of cake. It was not good taste and angrily she thrown to the ground. A  crow  snatched  away  the  cake  and  flew  swiftly  to  a  tree  top. The crow settled and was about  to  eat  the  cake.  A fox smelled the cake and looked up at the crow. He wanted to  eat  the  cake.

The Fox and Crow Story

He said in a sweet  voice, “Hello  my sweet dear crow !  Good Morning”. The crow  did  not  open her mouth.  The fox thought what to say next.

He  said, “Oh the beauty queen for our jungle ! You  look  so  bright  and colorful,  your  voice  must  be  sweet. Let me hear this voice, please!”  I know you are the best singer of this jungle. You are singing so swifter than other birds. The crow was  flattered by this. She  opened  her  mouth to sing caw.. caw... And oh! Down fell the cake. The fox ate  away the cake and went away.


September 6, 2018

The Dreaming Astronomer

dreaming astronomer
Once upon a time there lived lived an astronomer. He was very much involved in his observations. He was a good astronomer. He often used to look up at the sky at night and start observing the stars.

Once he was up of his floor and walked looking up at the stars, his leg slipped and he fell into a ditch. He started shouting. 

A passerby, who heard his shouts, helped him out of the ditch and asked, “How did you fall into this ditch?” The astronomer replied, “I was so engrossed in my observations that I did not notice the ditch”. The passerby asked “How do you expect to discover things when you fail to take note of things under your nose?” 

Realities are more important than dreams. Dreaming of stars is not sufficient to be an astronomer. You should work for it in proper direction. The astronomer walked away with a sad face.

Moral: Realities are more important than dreams. 

September 5, 2018

The Donkey's Brain: Moral Stories for kids

Once there lived a lion in the forest. He became too old and can't hunt any animals. So he kept jackal as his minister to hunt with him. They both always went together for hunting. The lion used to kill the animals and the jackal got his share for helping the lion.

One day, the lion was very hungry and he was sick. So he called the jackal and said, "Dear friend, I am hungry. But, I am too sick to hunt now. Please arrange some food for me.

The jackal went to the deep forest in search of prey. He found a donkey at last. He said to the donkey, "Hello Sir! The king of the forest wants to make you his minister". The foolish donkey was too happy to became the minister. He followed the jackal. When he went to the lion's yard lion pounced him and killed. But before eating, he felt so thirsty. He said to the jackal, “Take care of the donkey. I will return soon". 

As soon as the lion left, the jackal started eating the brain of the donkey. When the lion returned he found the donkey's brain missing. He asked the jackal. "Where is the donkey's brain?" 

The jackal answered timidly, "If he had a brain would he have come here?" 

MORAL : A small thought saves a lot.

September 4, 2018

Firefly and The Monkeys

short_stories_monkeys_and_fireflyOnce upon a time there lived a group of monkeys in the forest. It was winter season. One night it was a cold and silent night. The weather was cold. Monkeys were sitting on a big tree. They were holding its branches tightly with their hand. One of the monkeys said, “If we could find some fire then it will help us to keep warm”. They were searching of fire. 

All of a sudden they found a group of fireflies came out of a small hole. One of the young monkeys thought it was fire. He told all their friends lets catch the fire. Saying this he caught a firefly. He put it under a dry leafs, sticks and started blowing at it. Other monkeys also joined with him and started blowing with their mouth.

A sparrow was flying to its nest where the monkeys were sitting on the same tree. She noticed what they were doing. The sparrow laughed and said, “You all are stupid. That is a firefly, not the real fire. If you catch the fire it will burn your hand. I think all of you should take shelter in a cave because you feel cold and inside the cave you may feel warm”. The monkeys did not listen to the sparrow. They continued to blow at the firefly.

After some time the monkeys became very tired. Now they realized what the sparrow had said was correct. They set free the firefly and thanks to the sparrow. After they all were moved to a nearby cave.

The Bear and the two Friends

bear and two friends
Long long ago there was a small village situated near by a jungle.  There were lived two friends in that village. They were best friends. Once they decided to go to the market which was situated other side of that jungle.

Two friends were walking through the jungle. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any case of danger.

Suddenly, they saw a large bear following them. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead man.

The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures.Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

Moral: True Friend is the one who always supports and stands by you in any situation.

Two Cats and A Monkey : Best Moral Stories for Kids

Once there lived two cats in a village with their master. Once there was a festival in their master's campus. So two cats were prowling together. One of the cats saw a big cake and meowed . The other jumped up and picked it.
Moral Stories Two Cats and A Monkey : Best Moral Stories for Kids

The first cat said, “It is my the cake because I saw it first” The other cat said “ It is my cake because I picked it up.” They were quarreling under a tree. In the meantime a monkey was passing by. Monkey come to know that two cats fighting for their share of cake.  The monkey thought to take advantage of the cats fights and approached the two cats.

It came to the cats and said. “Don’t fight my friends. I have two hands and I can easily divide the cake into two pieces. Let me equally share the cake among you both”. The cats agreed and  handed the cake over to the monkey.

The monkey split the cake into two parts. He shook his head and said, “Oh No! One is slightly bigger than the other one. Let me take a bite of the bigger one  so it is as big as the other one ”. He had a big bite of the bigger piece of the cake and said “Oh No! This has become smaller now.”  He ate from the other. And thus, he went on eating from part to part and finally finished the whole cake.  When all the cake was over, the cats were stunned  by the happenings. It was very late when they realized that the monkey was making fools out of them, the entire time.

Moral: When you quarrel and fight, someone else gains.