September 8, 2018

The Fox and Crow Story

Once there was a small girl was eating a piece of cake. It was not good taste and angrily she thrown to the ground. A  crow  snatched  away  the  cake  and  flew  swiftly  to  a  tree  top. The crow settled and was about  to  eat  the  cake.  A fox smelled the cake and looked up at the crow. He wanted to  eat  the  cake.

The Fox and Crow Story

He said in a sweet  voice, “Hello  my sweet dear crow !  Good Morning”. The crow  did  not  open her mouth.  The fox thought what to say next.

He  said, “Oh the beauty queen for our jungle ! You  look  so  bright  and colorful,  your  voice  must  be  sweet. Let me hear this voice, please!”  I know you are the best singer of this jungle. You are singing so swifter than other birds. The crow was  flattered by this. She  opened  her  mouth to sing caw.. caw... And oh! Down fell the cake. The fox ate  away the cake and went away.