September 21, 2018

Clever rabbit and the lion

Clever rabbit and the lion
Once upon a time, in a jungle far away from the village, there lived a king lion. He used to kill as many as animals every day for his meal. The animals were worried and went to discuss this with the lion king. He agreed not to kill any other animal if one of them voluntarily comes to him everyday.

This went on for long. One day, it was a rabbit’s turn. As he was on his way, he sees an old well and hatches a plan to kill the lion. He goes to the lion and tells him that there is another lion who claims to be stronger than him.

The lion, then asks the rabbit to meet the said lion. The rabbit takes him to the well and points to it saying that was where the other lion lived. The lion jumps into the well, mistaking his own reflection for the other lion and dies.

Moral: Intelligence can save us from the worst situations.