September 18, 2018

Unfaithful Friendship : Heart Touching Moral Story for Kids

There was a frog lived in a pond. A mouse who was living in a hole near the pond. Once the mouse came to the pond for search of food. Soon the mouse and frog became became friends. One day the frog invited to the mouse to his house. The mouse said I don't know how to swim. The frog said said to the mouse, “Let’s bind ourselves together with a rope so that we may not be separated. I will swim and take to to my home.” 

Oh! What a idea, replied the mouse, without any second thought. So, both the friends tied themselves together. Though on land it went quite well. Inside the pond the frog swam delightfully and dragging the mouse with him. Soon the mouse was drowned. He asked for help but his friend didn't listened to it. Sometimes later his dead body floated on the surface of the pond.

There was a kite roaming in the sky. It saw the dead mouse on the water. It swooped down to carry it off. But it was miserable that the frog as well up to be the kite’s meal.

Moral : Unwise start leads to miserable end.