September 10, 2018

The Shepherd Boy and The Wolf

There was a village on the outskirts of  a forest. There lived a shepherd boy with his family. He used to take his herd of sheep across the fields to the lawns near the forest.

One day, he felt very boring. He wanted to have fun. So he cried aloud “Wolf, Wolf. The wolf is carrying away my lamb”. There were farmers working in  the nearby fields came running with sticks and asked, “where is the wolf?”. The boy laughed and replied “It was just a fun.” All the farmers went away to their works.

The boy played the trick for quite a number of times in the next few days. Some days later as the boy, perched up on a tree, was singing a song, there came an wolf. Now, the boy cried loudly “Wolf, Wolf. the wolf is carrying  a lamb away.” There was no one to come. The boy shouted “Help! Wolf! Help!” Still no one came to his help. The villagers thought that the boy was playing mischief again. The wolf carried a lamb away and some lambs also injured by the wolf.

Moral : A Liar's truth is seldom believed.