September 18, 2018

Hunter and The Doves

Doves and Hunter StoryOnce there lived a hunter in a small village. One fine day, the hunter sets out to catch birds. He lays a net and spreads rice all over it. Shortly, a flock of pigeons comes by and start eating the rice and get caught in the net.

They start to lose hope. Just then their leader asks them to fly together up in the sky. They do as told and carry the net with themselves. The hunter runs after them but is not able to catch them. One of the old pigeon asked to their friends to fly to there friends little distance. 

The pigeons fly towards their friend mouse’s hole with the net. The mouse on seeing this cuts the net into pieces and frees the pigeon. They all thanks to the old pigeon and his friend rat.

Moral: Unity is strength. Anything is achievable if we work unitedly.